Any of us who commute everyday, or ride on the roads have encountered those angry drivers that would love to run us of the road. The best thing to do when they start screaming at you or flip you off on their way by, or anything else for that matter. It is best to do nothing, unlike what Yehuda Moon did. They want to to react to them, it's like a bully at school, you have to walk away from the situation and ignore them. I have had this happen to me many times and i have ignored them and they don't bother me anymore. I have become a regular on the roads over the last three years and they have come to accept me, except for the once and awhile out-of-town traveler, but that's mainly when i'm on the highway or the main road in town. If you are out on the road everyday and don't back down from biking on that road when they yell and scream at you, they will slowly get used to you and eventually leave you alone and let you be.
In my next posting i will be talking about riding on the road with traffic and things you should know before you ride. My next post will be tomorrow.
Keep on Biking....
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