Hey everyone,
I have been working on getting the motor running, but I ran into a little problem. One of the Piston rings broken, and because of that the motor doesn't have enough pressure inside the engine to constantly idle or run. I am currently waiting for the part to come in, but the part is being ordered from China and it should be at my door step around Thanksgiving. I'm hoping that it comes sooner so I can get it running sooner. The bicycle that I am installing the motor onto is a Genisis Onyx 29er Black Cruiser bike that I bought from Walmart for a little over $165.00. The motor is meant for 26" wheels, but I think that it should work for the 29" rims. It just means that I will be going a few miles an hour slower then on a 26" rimed bike.
This is what my "mo-ped" I call it, will end up looking like, I will post pictures of it when I get it all put together and running. Until then I will be waiting for the part, but I will be trying to add some informational posts for Winter biking, and some of the things you'll need to do so if you choose to or are brave enough. I have had people come up to me and tell me that I'm crazy and others that give kudos to me for doing it. This will be my fifth winter that I will be enduring on a bicycle.
Keep on Biking....