Saturday, February 23, 2013

Please DON'T!!!

I have been looking at my comment section the last month or so, and i have seen more advertisements than actual comments. There have been about three different people doing it and you know who you are. The comment section is for Comments NOT your advertisements.  I have been deleting all of the ads and i will continue to do so.  If you want to have an advertisement PLEASE email me at and i will see if i want put your ad up on my blog.  I may or may not put your ad up, or i may decide not to put any ads up at all.  Please leave the comment section for your comments, thats all i ask.

Thank you,


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Winter Riding Tips

Well, it's still winter, and for those of you who ride like i do, you know how much winter takes a toll on your bike, with all the snow, ice, salt and anything else that may be in there.  With all that threatening you bike frame, here is a few tips:

Tip #1:  Snow, Ice and Salt; t all builds up on your frame in every crack, under your bottom bracket and bottom tube, all building up, well i found a tip that will help that problem.
You can either use it all over your frame or on just the problem spots.  Use car wax, it will prevent that build up and will also help prevent your paint from peeling and chipping, and creating rust. 

Tip #2:  Use at least one studded on your bike, on the rear wheel.  It will help with traction.  You can use them on both, but if you can only afford to buy one, i would recommend using it in the back.

Tip #3: Clean your bike often, to prevent rust if you haven't used car wax on your bike, but even if you have car wax on your bike, washing bike is a good thing to do.

Tip #4: Don't cycle fast, if you go to fast you could hit a patch of ice and spin out of control into a snow bank or into traffic. 

Tip #5: Always check your brakes. in the winter you brakes can ice up real easy, along with your rims.  If you can all help it, do not ride through snow piles or drifts, that will ice up your rims in a second.  If that happens, take something to scrap with and scrap off you rims to get rid of all that ice on your rims.

I hope that this helps you all for when you go out and ride.  I will have some more tips soon, and when we get into the middle of march, i will start to have tips for riding in the spring time.

Keep on Biking....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hey Everyone

I have been doing a lot lately, I have been putting on the miles onto my bike.  My poor Raleigh...  I have been putting a lot of Kids bikes together at the bike shop for the bike exchange that will be coming up in the summer, plus a lot of the adult bikes as well. 

A couple days ago i upgraded my Raleigh from a 5 speed, 27" wheels, to 700c wheels, 7 speeds, and a sealed bottom bracket.  I took the 700c's and the fenders from the schwinn suburban that i have, and put them onto my Raleigh.  I like my Raleigh a lot better than the Schwinn.  the Schwinn has a a steel frame, a lot heavier than the Raleigh, and more my height as far as frame height. 

I'll try to post some pictures soon, but no promises on how soon.

Keep on Biking....

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Star Fire Z475, A bike I put together

awhile ago, i was wanting to put a unique bike together. 
so i grabbed a TREK 830 Antelope 26", and I took it down to just the frame.
I sanded it down, primed it, and painted it black.
I found a three speed hubbed wheel, and put that on there, along with
a front wheel that worked.

I painted both wheels red, and put on a pair of white walled tires.
I put on some fenders,
installed the old style handlebars,
and rear brakes only.
I took an old ring i had and cut it up and put it as the head badge.
It says Star Fire on the ring, so i called it the "Star Fire, Z475."
Today, i'm going to add a rear rack so that i can haul a few things
when i go places with it.
looks like a classic, but it's not...
Keep on Biking....

Friday, February 8, 2013

Schwinn Suburban tire and fender switch

As some of you may remember, i repainted an old schwinn suburban
awhile ago now. Women's step through frame with 27 x 1 1/4" tires, well not any more.
I switched out the 27"s for 700c's and the original fenders got replaced as well
with Bontrager adjustable fenders, i love them, the best fenders i have ever invested in.
they have rubber mud flaps, and double hex screw adjustable stays. 
I put on a studded tire on the rear rim to give me traction and a road tire on the front.

both tires are 700 x 35's
My green machine got one heck of an upgrade. When i rode home tonight,
i rode across the frozen ice covered lake, pasting all the ice houses and it rode beautifully.
When i had the original fenders on, the studded tires would scrap the insides of the fenders.
I love this bike and hope it stays running for many years to come.
Keep on Biking....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My New Mini Bike

I just built this yesterday, i modeled it after a folding bike.
It was a BMX bike, i'm not sure what company made
the frame, because there was no labels, decals, or headbadge.
I hated how it looked like a BMX bike, so I tore it apart and
remodeled it.  It took me about an hour or so, to put it together.
I took it for a ride last night and it workes really well, it was just a
single speed, but i put a wheel and hub on that has a 5 speed cassette.
it wasn't easy to get on there but i love it.
I replaced the bmx handlebars with the old style cruiser
handlebars.  The bike that i was modeling this one after
has handlebars like this on it.
I put on SCHWALBE Marathon Racer tires, i would like to
put on some 20" white walled cruiser tires sometime this
spring or summer.  I may also get some studded tires for
when i ride in the winter time.
Tashi was checking it out, she has to check out my bikes
everytime i bring one in the house with all the different smells.
She's a weird duck...
It has the feeling of a BMX, folding and a vintage cruiser bike
all in one. 
I plan on using this one a lot.  It's nice and little
so I can ride anywhere, and it's easy to lock up anywhere.
I have a few other bikes that i'm working on, and hope to have
them done soon. Talk later...
Keep on Biking...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Beautiful snowfall cont...

Well after that night we got 8 inches of snow total, we didn't get plowed out until about 10:30-11am. I was able to get out but i had to help most of my neighbors get their cars out of the snow banks and drifts.  It was a pain in the butt.  I forgot to grab pictures, but it's not like the snow is going anywhere.  Yesterday morning i looked out my kitchen window and saw this;
"Pink sky in the morning sailor warning, pink sky at night sailors delight."
i love that saying, and so true.  My computer still isn't working, i've been using everyone elses to get on the internet.  I will be posting again soon.
Keep on Biking....