Here's the article from the Paul Bunyan Trail Bridge Dedication Yesterday:

A dedication of the Paul Bunyan Trail bridge was held Wednesday afternoon. Cutting the ribbon were, from left, Courtland Nelson with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Parks and Trails; Jerry Downs, trail advocate, Rep. John Persell, DFL-Bemidji; Lori Dowling, Minnesota DNR, Sen. John Carlson, R-Bemidji; Bemidji Mayor David Larson; Sen. Tom Saxhaug, DFL-Grand Rapids; and Rep. Larry Howes, R-Walker. Article by:Monte Draper | Bemidji Pioneer
I was not able to attend due to a trip i had to take, but it is now official. Terry McGaughey would be so proud of what has been accomplished with the trail he faught so hard to get completed. God bless him and what he started. I never had the pleasure of meeting "Mr. Paul Bunyan Trail" (Terry McGaughey), but I think of the 25 years he dedicated to getting this trail completed, and now he may rest in peace knowing that his trail he worked so hard to get, is complete. He was the best thing that ever happened to the bicycle community, in my oppinion. It was a sad day when he past of natural causes, in 2010. I hope that one day soon that someone with the compation and energy he had for getting this trail completed, will do the same for the rest of the trails and expand the trails statewide, or even all over the USA, so that bicyclists may get on a bike trail in Bemidji and end up in Texas, New York, or even Califonia, but we need someone that will stand up and do that for the bicycling community.
Keep on Biking...