Thursday, May 2, 2024

2024, so far

Hello everyone,

I know I haven't been truly been around on the blog since 2019, 2022 didn't really count.  Things have been crazy, COVID happened, my poor bikes and the blog sat collecting dust.  I finally put 2 out of 3 of my bikes together again, since 2019, but only one bike is up and running.  I need tubes & tires for one and a handle bar bolt for the other. 

Currently the weather here has been very rainy, hasn't been the best biking weather, plus during the last few years I have been dealing with up and down health issues that have slowed me down a bit.  Now in 2024, I'm doing everything to get back into shape and be able to bike more then a mile without my body feeling like I just got ran over with a vehicle.  The other day I was able to go for a short bike ride & when I got done it came out to just under two miles and I was extremely sore, 4 years of not bicycling, health issues, and the wind didn't help.  The biggest part was that I got too confident that I could do that after 4 years of not pedaling around.  I won't do that again, lol.  

This summer is gonna yield some new opportunities for me and the blog too.  Me and a friend of mine are starting a company and with it will come 3 different business's.  A mobile Auto repair business, lawn mowing business, & a bicycle repair business.  All are in the works and haven't been started yet, but will be within the next two months once everything is set up.  

I'm also going to be setting up a Facebook group for the community too!  Once I have that all set up I will let you all know and give you all the link.  I hope that you all have a great rest of your week and weekend!  I'll be posting soon to show off the bicycle I currently have all cleaned up.   

Keep on biking everyone!!

Monday, October 31, 2022

A New Bike Repair Project

 Next summer, I'm gonna be starting up a new program where on every Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, I will be riding up and down the bicycle trails in my area offering mobile repairs.  The kicker of this program is that there is no labor fees like at a bicycle shop.  The only thing I charge for are the parts that go into the repair of the customers bike.  I have to build the trailer and everything yet tho.  That is going to be my winter project, and I will update you guys as I progress this winter.  I'm anxious for summer to come and to get this started!!  I hope you guys enjoy all this content and if so please comment below, I'd love to hear from you guys!  Hope you guys have a great day and see you in the next update.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I have been on my blog.  Since then a lot has happened.  I have been doing traveling, and all kinds of different work.  I left the bike shop I was working for, the owner tried to fire me for stealing tools and parts...  Well I wasn't the one doing it, it was all the sketchy people that the owner would send to the shop and they would just take what ever they could fit into their pockets and leave...  But that's the past and I have moved on.  I still do bike repairs and reselling of bikes.  I'm planning on starting up a repair business along the bike trails this next summer, It would be kinda the same as the shop I used to work for.  The only thing I would charge people for are parts, and have a tip jar out for it people wanna contribute a little more.  I wouldn't charge for labor, that's when it would be getting into being a business.   

Lately tho I have been working at a pumpkin patch, selling pumpkins, squash, hay bails, etc.  It has been a nice gig, but it's ending a few days after Halloween.  Once that is done, I'll be going back to doing Doordash for the winter.  It's pretty good money in the winter cuz no one wants to drive in the snow, lol.  Well I'm gonna head to work and sell some pumpkins, I'll update more later today and let you guys know what's to come on the blog.  Hope you guys have a great day!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wow it has been crazy!

It's been crazy these last 6 months!!  things have been insane.  ive moved three times, gotten hit in the back of the head with a full pop can, and a sandwich while on bike (two different times), hauled a lot of wood with my bike, ive started a new job, new girlfriend, etc...   Life is so different for me rn, i can't believe it!  Im gonna start posting things for spring so that you guys can gear up for the new year of 2020!!!!!  See you guys on the flip side and keep on biking!!

Monday, May 21, 2018


 A few days ago my father-in-law called me up and asked if i could check over a couple bikes he just bought on a garage sale.  Of course I said yes.  When he got to my house, he procedded to tell me that one of these bikes shifts by its self..  I looked at him and said "what?"  I took it for a test drive,  and this is how i understand that it works.   Basically the faster your wheels spin,  the more it will shift,  with the helps of weighs on the spokes.   It works really well,  better than i imagined!  I still have yet to do more research on this bike but i had to post about it,  because it was different.

Keep on Biking!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Getting ready!

Ive been getting ready to mount my 2 stroke engine.   Im planning on putting it onto my Kent street bike.   Ive been waiting for the chain tensioner wheel to come in the mail.   The tracking hasn't been real accurate,  so I'm just hoping it comes before Saturday.  My project for tomorrow is taking the gear off of my old hub.   I might use this hub, once I remove the spokes, to rebuild the orange bikes rear wheel.   I will keep updating as I go on.

These two spokes got ripped out of the rim from the last chain tensioner wheel that went through it... 

I will post when the tensioner wheel comes in the mail.   Have a great day!

Keep on Biking!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Little Cracked Up...

A few days ago I was biking home on my orange single speed(1940s solid steel frame), from doing errends uptown.   I got to the top of a hill just before my apartment.  I was pedaling so good so I could coast all the way down,  when all of a sudden my back wheel locked up...   I got off and looked at it,  just saw that the back wheel had shifted in the drop out,  didnt think much of it. 

After hauling the bike home 4 block on my shoulders,  and sitting for 3 days, I looked closer at the hub and saw that it had completely shifted,  wrecking a bearing the bearing cup. I also realized that the hub has a large crack!  I didnt see it when it first happened because, i was only now able to rotate the wheel.   I could probubly still use the hub,  but it wont last long...   I might rebuild it later on down the road,  but for now,  ill just be taking it apart to see the rest of the damage.   In my next post ill detail what happened inside the hub,  and the conclusion on what made this happen.   Thanks for reading,  dont forget to follow me!

Keep on Biking!